The fistula is an abnormal connection between two hollow structures. The fistula may be congenital or develops after surgery or injury of an organ.
- Opening near sutures wound or any body part like anus or vagina.
- Pus , fluid, waste leak from the opening.
- Throbbing pain
- Swelling near the affected area.
- Hypersensitivity to contrast
- Suspected pregnancy
- Fluoroscopy unit with tilting table
- Local anesthesia
- Catheter
- Contrast
- Normal saline
- Gauze
- Sterile towel
- Antiseptic solution
Patient preparation
- The patient should not eat or drink after midnight.
- Patient KFT reports must be reviewed prior to the examination.
- Describe whole procedure to the patient.
- Ask the patient to remove clothing and wear hospital gown.
- An IV line is inserted into the patient arm and sedative medication is given through line to make patient relax.
- Place the patient on the X- ray Fluoroscopic table .
- Clean the fistula with an antiseptic solution.
- Local anesthesia is injected near the fistula for numbing the area.
- Then the radiologist advances a catheter according to the size of fistula into the fistula tract.
- After insertion of a catheter, the radiologist slowly injected 5ml diluted ionic contrast mixed with normal saline into the fistula tract under fluoroscopy guidance.
- After filling the fistula tract with the contrast media, several x ray or spot films are taken in AP , Lateral and Oblique position to access the fistula tract.
- After completion of examination the catheter is removed and the wound must be cleaned and covered with the dressing.
- Patient will be allowed to leave the examination room after completion of the examination.