The Double Marker Test

The Double Marker Test is a prenatal screening test conducted during pregnancy to assess the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the developing fetus. Typically performed in the first trimester, between the 10th and 14th weeks of pregnancy, this test plays a critical role in identifying potential genetic disorders such as Down syndrome (trisomy 21), Edward's syndrome (trisomy 18), and Patau syndrome (trisomy 13). The Double Marker Test is often part of a larger screening process such as…
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The Importance of Empathy in Paramedical Students

In the ever-evolving field of healthcare, paramedical professionals play a vital role in diagnosing, treating, and caring for patients. While technical proficiency is a must for students enrolled in paramedical courses such as Lab Technician Courses, Operation Theatre Technician Courses, and Radio Imaging Technician Courses, one equally important yet often overlooked skill is empathy.
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