Network Topology
Network topology is the arrangement of a network consisting of nodes and connecting lines through transmitters and receivers.
Need of Network topology: Network topology helps us understand two crucial things. It allows us to understand the different components of our network and where they connect. Second, it shows us how they communicate and what can be expected from their performance.
Types of network topologies: The different network topologies are:
Bus topology: Bus topology is a type of network in which every computer and network device is connected with a single cable. It transfers the data from one end to the other in a single direction.
A shared backbone wired bus topology. The nodes are connected to the channel through stubs. Ring topology: In this topology, it forms a ring that connects devices to exactly two neighboring devices. A ring topology consists of 4 stations, each of which forms a ring.
Star topology: In the star topology, all the devices are connected to a single hub through a cable. This hub is the central node and all other nodes are connected to the central node.
A star topology with five systems connected to a single connection point, i.e. a hub.
Tree topology: The various secondary hubs are connected to the central hub, which contains the repeater. This data flows from top to bottom.
Mesh topology: In a mesh topology, each device is connected to another device through a specific channel. Each device is connected to another through dedicated channels. These channels are called links.
Hybrid topology: A hybrid topology is a type of network topology that is a combination of two or more network topologies, e.g. mesh topology, bus topology, and ring topology.