Digital Radiography.
Digital radiography is a form of X-ray imaging, where digital X-ray sensors are used instead of traditional photographic film.Historically, digital radiography referred to specialized modalities that produced digital images.Digital images can be numerically processed, which is not possible in conventional radiology.Digital images can be easily transmitted through networks and archived.Since the early 1990s, Digital Radiography has grown to include Computed Radiography(CR) and ‘true’ Digital Radiography(DR) or Direct Radiography.
Basically Digital radiography is an advanced form of x-ray examination which uses a computer to form the images. This technique uses x-ray sensitive detectors to capture data during examination, which is immediately transferred to a computer without the use of an intermediate cassette. The incident x-ray radiation is converted into an equivalent electric charge and then to a digital image through a detector sensor. Read More
Digital radiography is advantageous than a conventional x-ray technique because the images can be edited, transferred, stored or manipulated etc.
Using digital radiography the image can be zoom or magnified. Any tilt of the image can be corrected. The contrast and brightness of the image can be corrected accordingly. Name of the patient and examination can be corrected even after the exposure, which was not possible in conventional examination. If the image has been taken with different orientations than it can be corrected easily. Using digital radiography the parts can be highlighted according to the requirement. Read More
Now a day’s digital radiography is the technique which is in use throughout the world. This technique has reduced the workload of radiology department and time duration for the examination as well. This technique has replaced the darkroom completely. Radiologic technologist has no more hectic work load of examination because the use of computer makes it so easy to work with. This technique has also decreases the dose of patient and workers.
Digital radiography is of 2 types-
CR System: –Computed radiography was the first digital technique introduced in radiology department which uses the x-ray recording panels on cassettes instead of radiographic film. The cassette is placed in a reader to convert the recorded information of the patient into a digital image and then the image is displayed on monitor and stored in computer as well.
DR System: –Direct radiography or digital radiography is the latest advancement in radiology department in which the use of any kind of cassette has been completely replaced by x-ray sensitive detectors. The detectors capture the radiation and convert those information directly into an electronic signal with the help of CCD (Charged coupling device) and then transfer the information to computer. The image is directly shown on monitor of computer and stored in storage also.
Applications of Digital Radiography:-Digital radiography has been used in diagnostic radiography, dental radiography, security machines etc. Read More